"All nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord, and shall glorify your name."  

— PSALM 86:9 (ESV)

Who We Are

First Presbyterian World Missions

Missions has been a driving force in the life of First Presbyterian Church since its beginning. The church was organized by two missionaries to the Cherokee Indians at the Brainerd Mission before the Indian removal in 1838. On June 21, 1840, the small congregation gathered for its first regular service and designated the offering for foreign missionary support.

Since that time, the Lord has used the congregation of First Presbyterian Church to bless the nations and advance His Kingdom around the world. Yet—the mission continues.

People are longing as never before for meaning, hope, and a reason to live while Jesus looks for those of us who will answer His call to join the mission of gathering His church from every people group, every language, every tribe, and every nation.


Vision and Mission

Vision Statement

The Mission of First Presbyterian Church is to carry out our part of the Great Commission.

The Vision of First Presbyterian Church is to be a city center church compelled by Christ’s love to make disciples in our homes, city, and the world.

Mission Statement

World Missions is the foreign missions arm of First Presbyterian Church tasked with making disciples in the world—facilitated through the targeted selection and funding of missionaries, indigenous church planters, short-term teams, and projects that promote the establishment, growth, and maturation of indigenous-led churches and movements in strategic global cities.

“All the nations you have made shall come and worship before you, O Lord,

and shall glorify your name.” —Psalm 86:9 ESV

The Session of First Presbyterian Church has authorized the World Missions Executive Committee to act as its agent in all matters relating to World Missions.

  • Provide financial and prayer support to partners who serve on foreign fields or who have a strategic international focus.
  • Provide financial and prayer support for partnership ministries.
  • Provide financial gifts for special partner needs and ministry projects.
  • Provide financial gifts for relief agencies that help people suffering from the ravages of war, poverty, health crises, and/or natural disasters.
  • Provide self-help assistance for Christian believers in low-income environments via micro-enterprise loans and other developmental projects.
  • Maintain an evangelistic outreach to international students in the Chattanooga area through “First Friends.”
  • Send out individuals and teams on short-term missions.
  • Provide special services for partners such as free clothing from the missionary closet.
  • Hold an annual conference to cast vision and mobilize members of the congregation to pray, give, go, and serve.

getting involved

  • Hospitality to our partners

    Our partners frequently visit the church and need overnight housing.  Hosting a family, couple, or single is a great way to get to know our mission partners and to learn what God is doing around the world to build His Kingdom. As visits are scheduled, dates and specifics will be posted on our website calendar.
    Contact:  Elinor at elinor@1stpresbyterian.com

  • Lunch Bunch

    Partners visit periodically and give briefings on their ministries in an informal lunch setting from 12pm to 1pm. All are welcome and the option to order a lunch is offered. As lunch meetings are scheduled, dates and specifics will be listed here. 
    Contact:  Elinor at elinor@1stpresbyterian.com

  • Prayer Team

    The Prayer Team, coordinated by Leslie Cory, meets every Wednesday from 4:30pm to 5:30pm (in person and on zoom). . During this time those in attendance will review partner prayer requests and spend time in prayer for the needs of the week. All are welcome to attend on any Wednesday evening.
    Contact:  Leslie Cory

  • First Friends

    Imagine going to a foreign country to study and prepare for a career not knowing anyone or how to navigate the culture. International students attending UTC long to connect with Americans and make friends. You can lovingly help a foreign student with practical needs and a positive adjustment to the American way of life. Special First Friend events are held periodically and will be posted at this website as details become available. 
    Contact:  Ashton Freeman
    Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/groups/firstfriendschattanooga
    Website: www.firstfriendschattanooga.com

  • Short-Term Teams

    Each Year First Presbyterian Church sends out teams to the foreign mission field.  If this is an interest of yours, check the TEAMS section of this website. 

  • World Missions Committee

    Those who desire to serve on the WMC must have an interest in world events and a heart for the nations. The WMC is responsible for: 1) casting the vision of World Missions to the congregation of First Presbyterian Church, and 2) contributing to the overall effectiveness of the ministry.
    Contact:  Elinor at elinor@1stpresbyterian.com

  • Medical Missions

    A World Missions subcommittee is working to facilitate global medical assistance to ministries and churches involved in using medicine to reach their communities for the gospel. Committee members are working to increase the capacity of 1st Presbyterian church to send short-term teams in response to requests for medical assistance at home and abroad.