teams 2025

Send us around the world with the news of your saving power and
your eternal plan for all mankind.—Psalm 67: 2 (TLB)

World Missions trips are designed with the goal of inspiring a global vision within our congregation. A crucial part of acquiring a vision is not only to build relationships with our mission partners and learn about their ministries but to receive training on how we can better serve God’s kingdom corporately and individually within the context of our own culture.

As you pray about serving, ponder the following guidelines:

  • For the purpose of discerning whether I am called to career missions.
  • Because my particular expertise or skills will advance the work of the ministry.
  • Because I genuinely want to gain knowledge of the ministry and develop relationships with field partners in order to provide intentional support through prayer, finances, and practical helps.

 World Missions provides pre-field training, post-field debriefings, and logistical support for our teams.  

Jesus said to them again, “Peace be with you. As the Father has sent me, even so I am sending you.”—John 20:21

Take me to the Teams applications page

    "Our culture is largely invisible to us, which is why it is revelatory to leave one’s society and live in a very different culture for a while. This experience enables us to see how much of our thought and behavior is not based on universal common sense but on a particular cultural practice.”—   Source: Center Church by Tim Keller

    Our congregation’s engagement with our international partners through team ministries, prayer, and personal relationships brings about local-global discipleship relationships and bi-directional learning.  As Chattanooga becomes more ethnically diverse, our members with overseas experience and expertise can better relate to and serve the various groups here within our own city. 

    Frequently asked questions

    How do I apply for a short-term mission trip?

    Complete the Short-Term Mission Application. We will contact you by email after you have been approved for the team.

    What is the time frame for applying for a trip?

    See Individual Trips for details.


    Do I need to be a member or regular attendee of First Presbyterian Church to participate on a mission trip?

    Most teams are open to members and non-members; however, in a few instances, only church members are eligible. Note: World Missions covers 50 percent of the team fee for adult members.


    Is previous missions experience required to serve on a team?

    No necessarily. Some teams are geared for "first timers" while other require specific skills or expertise to accomplish the ministry.


    What do you do on a missions trip?

    Each mission trip is different —depend upon the ministry and the purpose of the trip. More importantly, our priority is serving our host partners in the areas of ministry in which they are engaged.


    What if I feel I have no relevant skills to serve on a mission trip?

    God has blessed everyone with multiple skills and talents that are suited for a variety of mission activities. How can  you can serve may surprise you! Our staff is available to answer any of your questions.

    More Questions?
    Contact Missions Office.