
Trips are a vital part of the ministry of World Missions.  Besides catching a vision for the ministries of our international partners, these trips serve as a means of bi-directional discipleship and service.  Experience the goodness of our sovereign God who is building his global kingdom for his glory and the good of mankind.

  • Team member selections are determined by the following:

    • Skill sets required for the team's mission.
    • Successful completion of the application process.
    • Desire to engage in new experiences and challenges.
    • Desire to see God work in and through you.  

    Team members are expected to:

    • Successfully complete pre-field requirements.
    • Prepare spiritually, physically, and emotionally to serve the team and field.
    • Trust the Lord to provide the funding for the ministry.

    • A team leader must be a current, active member of First Presbyterian Church.
    • Anyone who desires to lead a team must complete an application and screening process.
    • Team leaders will be responsible for recruiting their team and ensuring all application deadlines and training requirements are met.
    • Team leaders will participate in the coordination of the team mission with the field host.
    • Team sizes will vary dependent upon field needs.
    • World Missions will provide counsel, training, debriefing, and logistical support.

June 7-14, 2025

College Team - Monterrey, Mexico
College students are eligible to participate. No prior missions experience required.

DEPOSIT: $50 (non-refundable)

TEAM FEE: $2,300 non-member $1,150 members

note: World Missions covers 50 percent of the team fee for adult church members. Any requests exceptions, please speak with our Missions Pastor.


by February 15, 2025.

Team: 10 people

Apply now

June 30 - July 7 2025 (departs U.S. June 29)

LEAP Week - London, UK

London Evangelism And Prayer week is . . .

  • A chance to step out of comfort zones and cultivate a renewed vision for God’s missionary purposes and church.
  • A chance to be equipped in kingdom prayer and evangelism empowered by grace.
  • A chance to participate directly with Serge church planting teams in ministry amongst unreached people groups in an English language context.

What can you expect?
Mornings: Structured times of training, prayer, worship & fellowship.
Afternoons: After initial opportunities to learn about South Asian culture & religious beliefs through visits to places of worship and shopping/food areas, we transition to hands-on ministry
that includes culturally appropriate street outreach and prayer walks.
Evenings: Fellowship and informal learning over food with fellow LEAP-ers, Serge workers and local ministry partners.

Adults—post high school and up—are eligible to participate. Teens may come with parents. No prior missions experience required.


note: World Missions covers 50 percent of the team fee for adult church members. Any requests exceptions, please speak with our Missions Pastor.


by March 15, 2024.

Team: 10 people


July 18-28, 2024

Nairobi, Kenya


To provide basic health care services to the students and staff at The Mamlaka Christian School, the members of the Kibera Reformed Presbyterian Church community, and the local Kiserian community adjacent to the Mamlaka property. The medical clinic operates similarly to a US "minute clinic" to address basic health issues.


Clinic: Adults—post high school and up—are eligible to participate. Teens may come with parents.

Medical Personnel: Adults—fully certified in your field

No prior missions experience required.

TEAM FEE: $3200

note: World Missions covers 50 percent of the team fee for adult church members. Any requests exceptions, please speak with our Missions Pastor.

VISA: $51,00 (World Missions does not cover this expense)


by March 17, 2024.

Team: 12 people

closed - full